sunnuntai 31. toukokuuta 2015

Bruce Springsteen - TOP56-songs: 50 - Save My LoveBruce Springsteen - TOP56-biisit: 50 - Save My Love

From the album The Promise (2010).

”This was a song about the radio... Back in the day when the only thing you had that kept you alive was your little radio under the pillow late at night. And you know somewhere... someplace... somehow... the one you loved was listening to the same song at the same time on the same station. And somehow... the world didn't feel quite as mortally... And that's our job here tonight.” –before Save my Love, Berlin, 30.5.2012.

Save My Love begets originally from Darkness on the Edge of Town’s sessions a bit after the mid-1970s. It wasn’t recorded then, however, but it’s turn came three decades later on The Promise. At that time Bruce dug his notebook for an old billet and recorded the whole package in the summer of 2010 with the E Street Band.

A lot of music was created in the Darkness-sessions from which a part of gesture drastically towards 60’s pop music. Save My Love is this department. Bruce has said that he likes to write simple pop songs just for his own pleasure, but those often end up straight to waste basket. This luckily didn’t.

There’s air in the E Street Band’s sound on this one. The piano sound can be recognized anywhere and around it there’s wrapping guitars and good-old glockenspiel. While the song lasts only for two and a half minutes there’s no supernumerary solos, it’s the vocals and lyrics carry the song.

Bruce capsulizes Save My Love great in the before-mentioned speech from Berlin. There’s always something in the air to remind all of us of something or someone. And often there’s also a wish associated that the other party hasn’t forgotten.

Now there's something coming through the air
That softly reminds me
Tonight I'll park out on the hill
And wait until they find me

You're slipping through the ether
A voice is coming through
So keep me in your heart tonight
And I'll save my love for you

In this song there’s a song soaring from the radio that takes our narrator for a ride. It’s magic: although there’s distance between two people, one song can make those miles go away.

So turn up your radio and darling dial me in close
We're riding on the airwaves
And we're traveling coast to coast
Over river and highway
Your voice comes clear and true
Though we're far apart tonight
I'll save my love for you

Hold me in your arms and our doubts won't break us
If we open up our hearts love won't forsake us
Just let the music take us
And carry us home

”Just let the music take us / and carry us home”. That’s something music can do. For a moment the world doesn’t seem so cruel, like Bruce said in his speech.

In the last verse the song playing on the radio starts to feel almost like a prayer. The feelings following it are pretty powerful (“tearing me apart”) but still it takes to that one person. “So turn up your radio / and I’ll save my love for you”.

The sound of Save My Love is the E Street Band at it’s purest. The song has been played live a couple of times, so let’s hear the earlier-mentioned version from Berlin as well.

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[iframe src="" width="640" height="340"]Albumilta The Promise (2010).

”This was a song about the radio... Back in the day when the only thing you had that kept you alive was your little radio under the pillow late at night. And you know somewhere... someplace... somehow... the one you loved was listening to the same song at the same time on the same station. And somehow... the world didn't feel quite as mortally... And that's our job here tonight.” -Save My Loven spiikki, Berliini, 30.5.2012.

Save My Love sikiää alunperin Darkness on the Edge of Townin sessioista hieman 70-luvun puolenvälin jälkeen. Sitä ei kuitenkaan tuolloin äänitetty, vaan sen vuoro tuli kolme vuosikymmentä myöhemmin The Promisella. Tuolloin Bruce kaivoi muistiinpanovihkostaan esiin vanhan aihion ja äänitti koko paketin kesällä 2010 yhdessä E Street Bandin kanssa.

Darkness-sessioissa luotiin paljon musiikkia, josta osa viittasi vahvastikin 60-luvun poppiin. Save My Love on juuri tätä osastoa. Bruce on todennut joskus kirjoittelevansa omaksi ilokseen yksinkertaisia pop-lauluja, jotka useimmiten päätyvät suoraan roskakoriin. Tämä ei sinne onneksi joutunut.

Bändin soundissa on tässä laulussa tilaa. Pianosoundin tunnistaa missä vain ja sen ympärille kietoutuu kitaroita sekä vanha kunnon elektroninen kellopeli. Vain hieman reilun kahden ja puolen minuutin kestossaan tässä ei ole ylimääräisiä sooloja, vaan laulu ja teksti kuljettavat biisiä.

Bruce tiivisti edellämainitussa Berliinin spiikissä Save My Loven mainiosti. Ainahan ilmassa leijailee jotain, joka muistuttaa jostain tai jostakusta. Ja usein siihen liittyy toive, ettei toinenkaan osapuoli olisi täysin unohtanut.

Now there's something coming through the air
That softly reminds me
Tonight I'll park out on the hill
And wait until they find me

You're slipping through the ether
A voice is coming through
So keep me in your heart tonight
And I'll save my love for you

Tässä laulussa ilmassa leijailee radiosta kuuluva laulu, jonka kyytiin hypätään. Vaikka välimatkaa olisi, niin sen hetken kun se yksi tietty laulu soi, häviävät kilometrit väliltä.

So turn up your radio and darling dial me in close
We're riding on the airwaves
And we're traveling coast to coast
Over river and highway
Your voice comes clear and true
Though we're far apart tonight
I'll save my love for you

Hold me in your arms and our doubts won't break us
If we open up our hearts love won't forsake us
Just let the music take us
And carry us home

”Just let the music take us / and carry us home”. Sen musiikki voi tehdä. Hetken aikaa maailma ei tunnu niin pahalta, kuten Bruce spiikissään totesi.

Viimeisessä säkeistössä radiossa soiva laulu alkaa tuntua jo rukoukselta. Sen tuomat tunteet ovat jo aika voimakkaita (”tearing me apart”) mutta silti se vie sen yhden tietyn luo. ”So turn up your radio / and I'll save my love for you”.

Save My Loven soundi on ehtaa E-kadun bändiä. Muutamia kertoja livenä esitetystä biisistä laitetaan esille edellä jo esiin nostettu Berliinin versio spiikkeineen päivineen.

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