perjantai 12. kesäkuuta 2015

Bruce Springsteen - TOP56-songs: 40 - Sad EyesBruce Springsteen - TOP56-songs: 40 - Sad Eyes

From the album Tracks (1998).

Sad Eyes originates from the Human Touch-sessions in the early 1990s. Bruce takes care of singing and guitars while the band consists of Randy Jackson (bass), David Sancious (keyboards), Michael Fisher (percussion) and Jeff Porcaro (drums). It’s a gentle love song which, if it had gotten to Human Touch, would have raised the album a little higher.

Springsteen’s songs from the beginning of the 90s are often bothered with sounds from their days. Sad Eyes is different however, as a song as well. The electric sound landscape fits the soft scene. Maybe this would have fit for Tunnel of Love-album as well, not just with it’s sounds but also because of the theme of the lyrics. It’s rare in studio-recorded songs that Bruce raises his vocal performance to a falsetto, but in this song it’s how the melody goes in the chorus and gives it a more personal dimension: like the singer is showing his more sensitive side which he has been hiding all these years.

The story is simple. A man meets a woman from whose eyes he can see sadness but isn’t brave enough to make an initiative. Everything can be hidden but a look tells the truth.

Every day here you come walking
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking
You say you're happy and you're doin' fine
Well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

Well for a while I've been watching you steady
Ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready
You show up and then you shy away
But I know pretty soon you'll be walkin' this way
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

If she would go with the narrator the future would be secure. The past doesn’t weigh much but tomorrow could be offered and the difficulties could be forced to fall.

Baby don't you know I don't care
Don't you know that I've been there
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind
Don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind

Maybe this doesn’t go anywhere and that’s good as well. Her look and the smile just bewitch the narrator. The outcome is left unsolved, but the atmosphere keeps on haunting the listener’s mind.I know you think you'd never be mine

Well that's okay, baby, I don't mind
That shy smile's sweet, that's a fact
Go ahead, I don't mind the act
Here you come all dressed up for a date
Well one more step and it'll be too late
Blue blue ribbon in your hair
Like you're so sure I'll be standing here

Sad Eyes is a strange song. Maybe it doesn’t have hit potential but personally I like how it gets on the listener’s skin. First memory of this song has also been stuck in my mind: I went to cycle on the day my matriculation exams came to and end, and this song started playing while I was in Lieksa city’s centre.

The overall sound is pleasant and different from Springsteen’s other output and especially the drum sound goes in very nicely. This song hasn’t been played live with the E Street Band, but it has been played once as a solo electric piano version on 23th of July, 2005 in Philips Arena, Atlanta. Tracks (1998).

Sad Eyes on alkujaan Human Touch-levyn satoa 1990-luvun alusta. Bruce hoitaa laulamisen ja kitarat, taustabändissä vaikuttavat Randy Jackson (basso), David Sancious (koskettimet), Michael Fisher (perkussiot) sekä Jeff Porcaro (rummut). Kyseessä on lempeä rakkauslaulu, joka olisi Human Touchille päästessään ollut ehdoton kohennus albumin materiaaliin.

90-luvun alun Springsteen-tuotoksia vaivaavat useasti aikansa soundit. Sad Eyes on kuitenkin erilainen, biisinäkin. Sähköinen äänimaisema sopii pehmeään kohtaukseen. Ehkäpä tämä olisi voinut sopia myös Tunnel of Love-albumille paitsi soundiensa, myös teemansa puolesta. Levytetyissä lauluissa on harvinaista, että Bruce nostaa laulusuorituksensa falsettiin, mutta tässä se kuuluu kertosäkeen melodiaan tuoden lauluun lisää henkilökohtaista ulottuvuutta: kuin laulaja näyttäisi herkemmän puolensa, jonka on pitänyt piilossa kaikki nämä vuodet.

Tarina on yksinkertainen. Mies kohtaa naisen, jonka silmistä näkee surullisuuden, muttei uskalla tehdä aloitetta. Kaikkea voi peitellä, mutta katse kertoo totuuden.

Every day here you come walking
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking
You say you're happy and you're doin' fine
Well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

Well for a while I've been watching you steady
Ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready
You show up and then you shy away
But I know pretty soon you'll be walkin' this way
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

Jos nainen lähtisi kertojan mukaan, niin tulevaisuus olisi turvattu. Menneet eivät paljon paina, mutta huominen pystyttäisiin tarjoamaan ja selättämään hankaluudet.

Baby don't you know I don't care
Don't you know that I've been there
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind
Don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind

Ehkä tästä ei ikinä tulekaan mitään, ja sekin on hyvä. Katse ja hymy vain vievät mennessään. Lopputulema jää auki, mutta tunnelma jää kummittelemaan kuulijan mieleen.

I know you think you'd never be mine
Well that's okay, baby, I don't mind
That shy smile's sweet, that's a fact
Go ahead, I don't mind the act
Here you come all dressed up for a date
Well one more step and it'll be too late
Blue blue ribbon in your hair
Like you're so sure I'll be standing here

Sad Eyes on ihmeellinen laulu. Ei ehkä hittiainesta, mutta henkilökohtaisesti tykkään siitä, miten tämä pääsee iholle. Ensimmäinen muisti- ja kuulokuvakin on mielessä: samana päivänä kun ylioppilaskirjoitukset päättyivät lähdin pyörälenkille, jonka keskivaiheilla Lieksan keskustassa tämä alkoi soida.

Soundikokonaisuus on miellyttävä ja poikkeava muusta Springsteenin tuotannosta, erityisesti rumpusoundi käy tähän mainiosti. Livekavalkaadiin tämä ei ole koskaan kuulunut, mutta kerran Sad Eyes on keikalla kuultu: sooloesityksenä, sähköpianolla säestettynä 23. heinäkuuta 2005 Philips Arenalla, Atlantassa.

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