sunnuntai 7. kesäkuuta 2015

Bruce Springsteen - TOP56-songs: 43 - Lucky TownBruce Springsteen - TOP56-biisit: 43 - Lucky Town

From the album Lucky Town (1992).

From the 1992 album of the same name comes Lucky Town. The feel is pretty blue in this song in which home isn’t home anymore. Bruce once again handles all the instruments except drums, which are played by Garry Mallaber.

There’s sadness and melancholy in the tone of this song, but the playing is straight rock. The sounds are pure beginning of the 90’s: especially the snare drum and solo guitar. The E Street Band has played this one a few times and then the go is different. Here’s a version played in Rome in July 2013.

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The song starts with a drum fill-in and Bruce’s recognizable guitar intro. In the lyrics the circuits have gotten small and the narrator don’t know where he’s life is heading. That’s when he decides to go back where he belongs.

House got too crowded clothes got too tight
And I don't know just where I'm going tonight
Out where the sky's been cleared by a good hard rain
There's somebody callin' my secret name

I'm going down to Lucky Town
Going down to Lucky Town
I wanna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town

Although he’s done good externally something has been wrong right from the start. He’s been at the wrong place at the right time. But fortune takes him where he should be. At this moment the traditional relationship moment.

Had a coat of fine leather and snakeskin boots
But that coat always had a tread hangin' loose
Well I pulled it one night and to my surprise
It led me right past your house and on over the rise

I'm going down to Lucky Town
Down to Lucky Town
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town

In the C-section comes one of this song’s greatest lines: even though it once felt that life was giving you winning it was just a failure in deceit, to cheat. The narrator has gone a long way leaning on a walking stick but now he’s going to go lightly without pain and the cane: he’s still got his life on his own hands.

I had some victory that was just failure in deceit
Now the joke's comin' up through the soles of my feet
I been a long time walking on fortune's cane
Tonight I'm steppin' lightly and feelin' no pain

On the last verse we raise a toast for you, me and us. Life takes us to places and treats us bad but at some point one might find out that things have a habit of going alright although sometimes they may go bad. There’s quite an aha-experience on the last line.

Well here's to your good looks baby now here's to my health
Here's to the loaded places that we take ourselves
When it comes to luck you make your own
Tonight I got dirt on my hands but I'm building me a new home

Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town

I think Bruce unnecessarily despises his material from ’92. This song is a fine individual as well although it suffers a little from the softness of the production. The lyrics are in line with Bruce-classics.

[iframe src="" width="640" height="340"]Albumilta Lucky Town (1992).

Samannimiseltä vuoden 1992 albumilta siintää Lucky Town. Tunnelma on aika blue tässä laulussa, jossa koti ei ole enää koti. Bruce hoitaa jälleen omin käsin kaikki soittimet paitsi rummut, joita soittaa Gary Mallaber.

Soinnissa on haikeutta ja melankoliaa, soitto on suoraviivaista rockia. Soundit ovat ehtaa 90-luvun alkua: virveli ja soolokitara varsinkin. E-kadun bändi on esittänyt tämänkin pari kertaa ja silloin meininki on erilainen. Tässä versiointi Roomasta heinäkuulta 2013.

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Biisi alkaa rumpufillillä ja Brucen tunnistettavalla kitaraintrolla. Tekstin puolella piirit ovat käyneet pieniksi eikä päähenkilöllä ole elämän suunnasta oikein selvyyttä. Silloin hän päättääkin palata takaisin sinne, minne kuuluu.

House got too crowded clothes got too tight
And I don't know just where I'm going tonight
Out where the sky's been cleared by a good hard rain
There's somebody callin' my secret name

I'm going down to Lucky Town
Going down to Lucky Town
I wanna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town

Vaikka ulkoisesti on mennyt hyvin, on jokin ollut pielessä koko ajan. On oltu väärässä paikassa oikeaan aikaan. Mutta kohtalo kuljettaa sinne, minne pitääkin. Tässä kohtaa kuviossa käväisee myös perinteinen ihmissuhde.

Had a coat of fine leather and snakeskin boots
But that coat always had a tread hangin' loose
Well I pulled it one night and to my surprise
It led me right past your house and on over the rise

I'm going down to Lucky Town
Down to Lucky Town
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town

C-osassa on yksi tämän laulun hienoimmista riveistä: jos välissä tuntui kuin elämä tarjoisi voittoa, mutta kyseessä olikin vain epäonnistuminen yrityksessä huijata. Pitkään on kuljettu kohtalon kävelykeppiin nojaten, mutta nyt lähdetään menemään kevyesti ilman kipua ja ilman keppiä: tämä on vielä omissa käsissä.

I had some victory that was just failure in deceit
Now the joke's comin' up through the soles of my feet
I been a long time walking on fortune's cane
Tonight I'm steppin' lightly and feelin' no pain

Viimeisessä säkeistössä nostetaan malja sinulle, minulle ja meille. Elämä kuljettaa ja runtelee mutta jossain vaiheessa saattaa huomata että asioilla on tapana järjestyä vaikka huonostikin menisi. Viimeisellä rivillä on eräänlainen ahaa-elämys.

Well here's to your good looks baby now here's to my health
Here's to the loaded places that we take ourselves
When it comes to luck you make your own
Tonight I got dirt on my hands but I'm building me a new home

Down in Lucky Town
Down in Lucky Town
I'm gonna lose these blues I've found
Down in Lucky Town

Mielestäni Bruce turhaan ylenkatsoo vuoden '92 materiaaliaan. Tämäkin laulu on kelpo yksilö, joka kärsii hieman tuotannon pehmeydestä. Teksti on teemoiltaan linjassa Bruce-klassikoiden kanssa.

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